I did an interview with Jeff Pelizzaro for his podcast, 18 STRONG the other day. Had a lot of fun getting asked the questions rather than asking them! He does a great job with the interviews and it’s always great talking shop with fellow trainers and podcasters. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.
Highlights from this Episode
- Anthony’s background and how he got into the world of golf and fitness at the age of 37.
- How Anthony crafted strategic relationships with some of the big names in golf fitness and leveraged those relationships to create a media suite. Across those platforms, he talks about fitness, strength, golf and otherwise on a regular basis.
- Some of the biggest influences that the podcast had on Anthony. He was exposed to a lot of people who know a lot about golf fitness, and that had a huge effect on taking his knowledge to the next level.
- How the game of golf has changed in regards to fitness. At first, it was a lot harder to get people to buy into the idea of golf fitness. Anthony was right there from the start and went through all of the doubt and skepticism, which we get into.
- Some of the biggest mistakes that Anthony sees making in the gym when they’re taking control of their fitness. The main thing is to go to a golf pro or golf specific trainer when you start and getting the mobility fundamentals down. Fundamentals in Anthony’s opinion are the key.
- How much time a golfer should spend at the gym each week, and what they should focus on.
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Thanks so much to Jeff for having me on!